Holidays with the Dogs Paperback
Book | Content |
Book One: Puppy Proofing your Holiday | If you own a dog, then you probably know that there is a whole new level of complication around the holidays. |
Book Two: Oh, Those Holiday Eats! | The holidays are filled with friends, family, good conversations and even better food. |
Book Three: Puppies for Holidays | When it comes to the ultimate gift, nothing is better than a puppy. They’re so snugly, so cute when they play, and the little creature wants to spend every waking moment with you |
Dogs Book Four: Traveling With a Friend | While the holidays are often enjoyed at home, there are thousands of people who travel during the holiday season. |
Book Five: Boarding through the Holidays | The holidays can be hectic, especially when you are planning on going away. Not only do you have to figure out your work schedule and travel plans; you also have to work out where to house your dog during the holiday. |
Book Six: Choosing the Perfect Gift | A dog owner will tell you that their beloved canine is the perfect gift. However, finding a perfect gift for their beloved pet isn’t always easy. |
Book Seven: Your Dog, the Gracious Host | Let’s face it: the holidays are a time when people get together and celebrate. It doesn’t matter what holidays you choose to observe or the number of people in your circle |
Book Eight: Reducing Holiday Blues | Holidays can be a tough time of year for everyone. Let’s face it, holiday blues have been touched on by just about everyone, including Dr. Phil. |
Book Nine: Winding Down from the Holidays | The holidays can be a pretty exciting time, with visitors, trips to see family and a host of other things like shopping, entertaining and relaxing. |
Book Ten: Keeping Those New Year´s Resolutions | So the holidays are finally over and you probably have a few New Year’s resolutions that you really need to stick to. |

If you own a dog, then you probably know that there is a whole new level of complication around the holidays.
The holidays are filled with friends, family, good conversations and even better food.
When it comes to the ultimate gift, nothing is better than a puppy. They’re so snugly, so cute when they play, and the little creature wants to spend every waking moment with you
While the holidays are often enjoyed at home, there are thousands of people who travel during the holiday season.
The holidays can be hectic, especially when you are planning on going away. Not only do you have to figure out your work schedule and travel plans; you also have to work out where to house your dog during the holiday.
A dog owner will tell you that their beloved canine is the perfect gift. However, finding a perfect gift for their beloved pet isn’t always easy.
Let’s face it: the holidays are a time when people get together and celebrate. It doesn’t matter what holidays you choose to observe or the number of people in your circle
Holidays can be a tough time of year for everyone. Let’s face it, holiday blues have been touched on by just about everyone, including Dr. Phil.
The holidays can be a pretty exciting time, with visitors, trips to see family and a host of other things like shopping, entertaining and relaxing.
So the holidays are finally over and you probably have a few New Year’s resolutions that you really need to stick to.